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After a long career as a trial attorney specializing in Construction Law, I experienced career-ending health issues. When I could no longer practice law, I was not ready to "hang it up," so I looked for another way to be productive. As I took inventory of my skills and experience, I knew, like most successful trial attorneys, that I was a compelling and persuasive storyteller and an excellent writer.

So, I decided to write a book. The obvious next question is; what would I write about? The significant health challenges I faced led me to consider my life, my accomplishments to date, and my legacy. As a result, I decided to write a legacy memoir about previous generations of my family and my own life. The book was meant to be a gift for my children and grandchildren.

I began by reviewing my grandmother's bible, which contained dates and places of key events of the Hughes' legacy. As I continued my research into the lives of my family, I came to appreciate my unique and memorable family history. As I discussed the story of my father's incredible career and my exceptional childhood with friends, they encouraged me to expand my goal for the book. They recommended that my book could be a treasured family keepsake, but it could also be an entertaining and inspirational story for others.

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That Which Cannot be Denied (TWCBD) details four generations of the Hughes family, including; my great-grandparents, grandparents, father, and myself. Each generation accepted the challenges and opportunities of their place and time and boldly established their own lives without regard to the family legacy.

My great-grandparents, Henry and Agnes, were born in England, married, and moved to the Kansas Territory of the United States to take advantage of the Homestead Act. The act offered 160 acres of prime wheat and cattle land to anyone willing to build a home and work the land for five years.

My grandfather, Elsworth, left the family homestead in Kansas and set out for the logging camps and, eventually, the oil fields of California. He and my grandmother Myrtle owned and operated several gambling saloons and restaurants in the San Juaquin Valley. Over the years, he earned the title "The Meanest Man in Bakersfield."

My father, Harry, enlisted in the Marines the day after Pearl Harbor and graduated "Top Gun" in Marine Fighter Pilot School during WWII. He was a decorated war hero and spy who, along with my mother, brother, and me, traveled the world, living in many exotic and exciting places.

Throughout the book, I tell my own story culminating in how I found my purpose in life.

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